Tagged “#fungi”

  • 🌱 #seedling
  • #ecology
  • #fungi
Mushroom reading, facts and other fungal stuff
  • #fungi
  • #octopus
Two Clathrus archeri, or two octopuses in love?
  • #nature
  • #fungi
  • #ecology
  • #art
Mycorrhizae is a literary work that explores the underground network of connections between technology, language, capitalism, ecology, love, community...
Autumn Sitter
  • #fungi
  • #creature
  • #mushrooms
A deep, unnamed sadness stemming from estrangement from the rest of Creation, from the loss of relationship.
Fungal death
  • #fungi
  • #death
A red pencil illustration of a skull and mushrooms coming from within. Basically, death, and the thing that follows, that's not really death for long.